文章编号: 16726987(2019)01007707; DOI: 10.16351/j.16726987.2019.01.013
魏志彪, 陈希磊*
(青岛科技大学 环境与安全工程学院,山东 青岛 266042)
摘要: 使用磷酸和木质素纤维制备了磷化纤维素(PCL)阴离子溶液,使用甲壳素脱除乙酰基之后得到的壳聚糖制备了壳聚糖(CH)阳离子溶液,然后采用层层自组装(layer by layer selfassembly technique,LBL)技术对无色纯棉织物进行了阻燃处理。首先通过红外光谱(FTIR)对磷化纤维素进行了结构表征,并通过垂直燃烧(UL94)、热重(TG)、微型燃烧量热仪(MCC)和烟密度测试仪(SDT)等研究阻燃棉织物燃烧和热降解性能。FTIR测试结果表明:磷化纤维素制备成功。MCC的测试结果表明:试样热释放速率峰值与棉织物相比有大幅降低,显著抑制了棉织物受热分解时的热量释放。TG测试的结果表明:经阻燃处理后的棉织物在700 ℃的残炭含量明显增加。SDT结果表明:构筑LBL阻燃涂层后,光通量提高了249%,最大比光密度降低了6524%,显著提高了棉织物的抑烟性能。
关键词: 磷化纤维素; 壳聚糖; 棉织物; 层层自组装技术
中图分类号: TQ 328 文献标志码: A引用格式: 魏志彪, 陈希磊. 磷化纤维素和壳聚糖组合层层自组装技术制备棉织物阻燃材料的性能研究\[J\]. 青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 40(1): 7783.
WEI Zhibiao, CHEN Xilei. Flame retardant cotton fabric based on combination of cellulose phosphate and chitosan in layer by layer selfassembly technique\[J\]. Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2019, 40(1): 7783.
Flame Retardant Cotton Fabric Based on Combination of Cellulose Phosphate and Chitosan in Layer by Layer Selfassembly Technique
WEI Zhibiao, CHEN Xilei
(College of Environment and Safety Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Techology,Qingdao 266042,China)
Abstract: In this paper, phosphorylated cellulose (PCL) anionic solution was prepared using phosphate and lignin fibers and the chitosan (CH) cation solution was prepared using chitin removal of acetyl groups. Then the fire retardant treatment was applied to noncolored cotton fabric with layers of selfassembly technique.In the experimental part of this paper, the structural characterization of phosphatized cellulose was first made through infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).The combustion and thermal degradation properties of flame retardant cotton fabrics were investigated by vertical combustion (UL94), thermogravimetry (TG) and micro combustion calorimeter (MCC).The FTIR test results showed that phosphating cellulose was successfully prepared.The test results of MCC show that the peak value of the heat release rate of the sample is lower than that of the cotton fabric, which significantly suppresses the heat release of the cotton fabric during thermal decomposition.The results of TG test showed that the content of residual carbon in the cotton fabric treated with flame retardant increased obviously at 700 ℃.SDT results showed that the luminous flux increased by 249% and the maximum specific optical density decreased by 6524% when the LBL flame retardant coating was constructed. The smoke suppression property of cotton fabric was improved remarkably.
Key words: cellulose phosphate; chitosan; cotton fabric; layer by layer selfassembly technique
收稿日期: 20171209
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(51106078;51206084).
作者简介: 魏志彪(1993—),男,硕士研究生.*通信联系人.