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文章编号: 16726987201803004205 DOI 10.16351/j.16726987.2018.03.007


王沙沙, 金宏, 公衍玲*

(青岛科技大学 化工学院, 山东 青岛 266042)


摘要: 对猪毛菜的质量标准进行初步研究。按照2015版药典规定方法对10批不同产地猪毛菜中的水分、总灰分、酸不溶性灰分、水浸出物、醇浸出物等项目进行测定。采用乙醇回流法提取总黄酮,并用紫外分光光度法对提取物中的总黄酮进行含量测定。10批猪毛菜中水分含量为726%1061%;总灰分含量为2160%3503%,酸不溶性灰分含量为358%566%;水溶性浸出物含量为814%1413%,醇溶性浸出物含量为857%1444%;测得总黄酮含量为091%。测定的结果可为猪毛菜质量标准提供参考。

关键词: 猪毛菜; 质量标准; 黄酮; 含量测定

中图分类号: R 282.71文献标志码: A

引用格式:王沙沙, 金宏, 公衍玲. 猪毛菜的质量标准研究\[J\]. 青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2018 393): 4246.

WANG Shasha, JIN Hong, GONG Yanling. Study on the quality standard of Salsola collina \[J\]. Journal of Qingdao University of Science and TechnologyNatural Science Edition), 2018, 39(3) 4246.

Study on the Quality Standard of Salsola Collina


WANG Shasha, JIN Hong, GONG Yanling

(College of Chemical Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, China)


Abstract: The quality standard of Salsola collina was studied. The contents of moisture, total ash, acidinsoluble ash, watersoluble extract and alcoholsoluble extract of 10 batches of Salsola collina from different areas were determined according to the approaches listed lin the Chinese pharmacopoeia published in 2015. The flavonoids were extracted by the way of ethanol reflux, and the content of flavonoids in the extract were detected with the ultraviole spectrophotpmetry and weighting method. The content of moisture, total ash, acid insoluble ash, water soluble and alcohol soluble in the 10 batches of Salsola collina was 726%1061%, 2160%3503%, 358%566%, 814%1413%, 857%1444%, respectively. Total flavonoids content was measured at 091%. The results are regarded as the reference for the quality standard of Salsola collina.

Key words: Salsola collina; quality standards; flavonoids; determination


收稿日期:  20171230

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(81300281);山东省高校科技计划项目(J15LK12).

作者简介: 王沙沙(1993),女,硕士研究生.*通信联系人.


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