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赵静, 张凯, 王新, 王兆波*

(青岛科技大学 材料科学与工程学院,山东 青岛 266042)

摘要: 采用熔融共混法制备了高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)/废旧三元乙丙胶粉(WEPDMP)/碳纳米管(CNTs)复合体系,研究了CNTs含量对体系正温度系数(PTC)效应的影响,通过体积膨胀系数的测试以及基体中CNTs导电网络的表征,对复合体系PTC行为的形成机制进行了研究。结果表明:复合体系中CNTs相互交织并构成了导电网络,升温至基体熔融区域时,在体积急剧膨胀的同时伴随着显著的PTC效应,对体系体积膨胀系数的定量表征可对其PTC行为进行预测。

关键词: 高密度聚乙烯; 废旧三元乙丙胶粉; PTC效应; 体积膨胀系数; 体积电阻率

 中图分类号: TQ 330.12               文献标志码: A

Volume Expansivity and PTC Behaviors of Highdensity Polyethylene/Waste Ethylenepropylenediene Monomer Vulcanizate Powder/Carbon Nanotube Composites

ZHAO Jing, ZHANG Kai, WANG Xin, WANG Zhaobo

(College of Materials Science and Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, China)

Abstract: Composites based on highdensity polyethylene (HDPE)/waste ethylenepropylenediene monomer vulcanizate powder (WEPDMP)/carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were prepared by meltcompounding. The influence of CNTs dosage on the positive temperature coefficient (PTC) effect of the composites was researched. The mechanism of the PTC behavior was researched based on the characterization of volume expansivity and the CNTs conductive network in composites. The results showed that the CNTs in matrix were intertwined and formed a conductive network. When the temperature increasing to the melting region of HDPE matrix, the rapidly volume expansion of composites led to the occurrence of PTC behavior. The PTC behavior of the conductive composites can be predicted according to the quantitative characterization of volume expansivity.

Key words:  highdensity polyethylene; waste EPDM vulcanizate powder; PTC effect; coefficient of volume expansion; volume resistivity

收稿日期: 20140519

基金项目: 山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2012EMM002);山东省高等学校科技计划项目(J12LA15);青岛市科技发展计划项目(12143(9)jch).

作者简介:  赵静(1988—),女,硕士研究生.               *通信联系人.

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