文章编号: 1672-6987(2023)02-0096-05; DOI: 10.16351/j.1672-6987.2023.02.013
潘志远1, 刘超男1, 李宏伟1, 王婧1, 刘静1, 杨明2, 王威3*(1. 国网技术学院,山东 济南 250002; 2. 电网智能化调度与控制教育部重点实验室(山东大学),山东 济南 250061;
3. 山东科技大学 智能装备学院,山东 泰安 271019)
摘要: 针对配电网动态重构过程中的分布式可再生能源出力不确定性、多时间段耦合问题,提出一种基于Minty算法和机会约束规划的随机动态重构方法。建立基于机会约束规划的配电网动态重构数学模型;对调度区间内每个时间段以网损最小为目标采用改进Minty算法进行精确的静态重构,以能量增加最小为目标,提出消减开关动作次数满足约束的两个规则,减少单个和所有开关动作次数,直到获得满足动作次数限值约束的最优或近似最优方案。IEEE 33节点的标准算例结果验证提出的动态重构算法的相对于已有算法的准确性。
关键词: 配电网; 动态重构; Minty算法; 机会约束规划
中图分类号:TP 391文献标志码: A
引用格式: 潘志远, 刘超男, 李宏伟, 等. 一种基于Minty算法的配电网随机动态重构方法[J]. 青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 44(2): 96-100.
PAN Zhiyuan, LIU Chaonan, LI Hongwei, et al. A stochastic dynamic reconfiguration method by applying minty algorithm in distribution network[J]. Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2023, 44(2): 96-100.
A Stochastic Dynamic Reconfiguration Method by
Applying Minty Algorithm in Distribution Network
PAN Zhiyuan1, LIU Chaonan1, LI Hongwei1, WANG Jing1, LIU Jing1, YANG Ming2, WANG Wei3
(1. State Grid of China Technology College, Jinan 250002, China;2. Key Laboratory of Power System Intelligent
Dispatch and Control of Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China; 3. College of Intelligent Equipment,
Shandong University of Science and Technology, Taian 271019, China)
Abstract: For the uncertainties in the distributed renewable energy sources outputs and multi-time coupling problem in the dynamic reconfiguration process in the distribution networks, this paper proposes a stochastic optimization method by applying Minty algorithm and the chance constrained programming. The chance constrained mathematical model of the dynamic reconfiguration is established. The modified Minty algorithm is applied to accomplish static reconfiguration for each interval with minimal power losses in the schedule. Two heuristic rules whose objective is to minimize energy increase are proposed. The operation times constraints of switches are reduced until the constraints are satisfied. The optimal or near optimal solution is obtained. The results of IEEE 33-bus demonstrate the accuracy over the existing optimization algorithms.
Key words: distribution network; dynamic reconfiguration; Minty algorithm; chance-constrained programming
收稿日期: 2022-06-09
基金项目: 电网智能化调度与控制教育部重点实验室(山东大学)开放基金项目(202115).
作者简介: 潘志远(1984—),男,博士,高级工程师.*通信联系人.