文章编号: 1672-6987(2022)04-0078-09; DOI: 10.16351/j.1672-6987.2022.04.011
侯占威, 邢永海, 高志远, 徐雨田, 李松梅*(青岛科技大学 机电工程学院,山东 青岛 266061)
摘要: 将新型三叉式万向联轴器与球笼式万向联轴器组成的系统放置在前置后驱的车型中,基于集中质量法,建立此系统的二自由度横振模型,通过受力分析绕度公式和柔度矩阵,建立横振方程,运用公式法求出双联系统横振固有频率,考察外激励和输入轴角速度对联轴器稳定性的影响,通过MATLAB进行仿真实验。仿真结果表明:设置三叉式为输入轴、球笼式为输出轴时,外激励作用于三叉式与球笼式双联系统,随外激励增大,双联系统的横向振动位移和速度均增大,球笼式横向振动位移与速度小于三叉式。当逐渐增大输入轴角速度,使其接近横振固有频率时,横向振动位移与速度曲线相对稳定,说明角速度对系统稳定性影响较小。
关键词: 新型三叉式万向联轴器; 横向振动; 固有频率; 响应分析
中图分类号: TH 133.4; O 327文献标志码: A
引用格式: 侯占威, 邢永海, 高志远, 等. 新型三叉式万向联轴器系统的横向振动特性分析[J]. 青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 43(4): 78-86.
HOU Zhanwei, XING Yonghai, GAO Zhiyuan, et al. Analysis of longitudinal vibration characteristics of a new type of trigeminal universal coupling[J]. Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2022, 43(4): 78-86.
Analysis of Longitudinal Vibration Characteristics of a New Type of
Trigeminal Universal Coupling
HOU Zhanwei, XING Yonghai, GAO Zhiyuan, XU Yutian, LI Songmei
(College of Electromechanical Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266061, China)
Abstract: In this paper, a new system composed of Trident universal coupling and ball cage universal coupling is placed in the front and rear drive vehicle. Based on the lumped mass method, a two degree of freedom transverse vibration model of the system is established. Through force analysis, the winding formula and flexibility matrix are established, and the transverse vibration equation is established. The formula method is used to calculate the transverse vibration natural frequency of the dual system, and the influence of external excitation and input shaft angular velocity is investigated. The influence of coupling stability is simulated by MATLAB. The simulation results show that: when the trigeminal type is set as the input shaft and the ball cage type is set as the output shaft, the external excitation acts on the trigeminal and ball cage type dual system. With the increase of external excitation, the lateral vibration displacement and velocity of the dual system increase, and the lateral vibration displacement and velocity of the ball cage type are less than that of the trigeminal type. When the angular velocity of the input shaft is gradually increased to make it close to the natural frequency of the transverse vibration, the curve of the displacement and velocity of the transverse vibration is relatively stable, which indicates that the angular velocity has little effect on the stability of the system.
Key words: a new type of trigeminal universal coupling; transverse vibration; natural frequency; response analysis
收稿日期: 2021-08-30
基金项目: 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2020ME114);山东省重点研发科技计划项目(2018JMRH0508).
作者简介: 侯占威(1997—),男,硕士研究生.*通信联系人.