文章编号: 1672-6987(2022)03011208; DOI: 10.16351/j.1672-6987.2022.03.016
杜子俊, 张海霞, 王景景*(青岛科技大学 信息科学技术学院,山东 青岛 266061)
摘要: 为克服水声信道的时变性和多径时延效应导致的码间干扰,本工作在常模盲均衡算法的基础上,提出一种锦标赛选择的混沌人工蜂群算法用以优化盲均衡算法。该算法采用混沌映射初始化种群、锦标赛选择策略以及新生种群的高斯扰动对传统人工蜂群进行改进,增加了种群的多样性,提高了算法的全局信息利用率,避免了早熟现象。将锦标赛选择的混沌人工蜂群算法应用于水下信道盲均衡算法后,在收敛速度基本不变的情况下,盲均衡输出的均方误差明显降低,有效改善星座图的收敛精度,大大提升了盲均衡技术的有效性。
关键词: 信道盲均衡; 人工蜂群; 混沌矩阵; 锦标赛选择
中图分类号: TN 929.3文献标志码: A
引用格式: 杜子俊, 张海霞, 王景景. 基于锦标赛混沌人工蜂群算法的水声信道均衡研究[J]. 青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 43(3): 112119.
DU Zijun, ZHANG Haixia, WANG Jingjing. Research on underwater acoustic channel equalization based on tournament selection chaotic artificial bee colony algorithm[J]. Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2022, 43(3): 112119.
Underwater Acoustic Channel Equalization Based on Tournament
Selection Chaotic Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
DU Zijun, ZHANG Haixia, WANG Jingjing
(College of Information Science and Technology, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266061, China)
Abstract: In order to overcome the intercode interference caused by the timevarying and multipath delay effects of underwater acoustic channels, a chaotic artificial bee swarm algorithm based on the normal blind equalization algorithm is proposed to optimize the blind equalization algorithm. The algorithm uses chaotic mapping to initialize the population, tournament selection strategy and Gaussian perturbation of the newborn population to improve the diversity of the population, improve the global information utilization rate of the algorithm, and avoid the precocity phenomenon. When the chaotic artificial bee colony algorithm selected in the championship is applied to the blind equalization algorithm of underwater channel, the mean square error of the blind equalization output is significantly reduced under the condition that the convergence rate is basically unchanged, which effectively improves the convergence accuracy of constellation image and greatly enhances the effectiveness of the blind equalization technology.
Key words: blind equalization of channel; artificial bee colonies; chaos matrix; tournament selection
收稿日期: 20210624
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金重点类项目(U1806201).
作者简介: 杜子俊 (1996—), 男, 硕士研究生.*通信联系人.