文章编号: 1672-6987(2021)05-0069-06; DOI: 10.16351/j.1672-6987.2021.05.011
崔子文, 景元蓉, 刘广永*(青岛科技大学 高分子科学与工程学院,山东 青岛 266042)
摘要: 设计了5种活性碳酸钙(填料)用量不同的丁腈橡胶(NBR)配方。采用无转子硫化仪测得了在3个不同温度下的硫化特性参数,利用相关的硫化反应动力学参数模型,研究了活性碳酸钙用量对丁腈橡胶硫化动力学的影响。结果表明:在焦烧期时,NBR的硫化反应为非一级反应,真正的一级反应开始于硫化速率达到最大时,即tdis;且焦烧期后的反应可以分为两个阶段且遵循一级动力学反应规律。活性碳酸钙用量的增多会阻碍一级反应的开始,且活性碳酸钙对体系的活化能影响不大。
关键词: 丁腈橡胶; 硫化反应动力学; 一级反应; 反应速率常数; 活化能
中图分类号: TQ 333.7文献标志码: A
引用格式: 崔子文, 景元蓉, 刘广永. 活性碳酸钙对丁腈橡胶硫化反应动力学的影响[J]. 青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 42(5): 69-74.
CUI Ziwen, JING Yuanrong, LIU Guangyong. Effect of activated calcium carbonate on vulcanization kinetics of nitrile rubber [J]. Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2021, 42(5): 69-74.
Effect of Activated Calcium Carbonate on Vulcanization
Kinetics of Nitrile Rubber
CUI Ziwen, JING Yuanrong, LIU Guangyong
(College of Polymer Science and Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, China)
Abstract: In this paper, five types of nitrile rubber formulations with different amounts of activated calcium carbonate (filler) are designed. The vulcanization characteristic parameters at three different temperatures are measured by a rotorless vulcanizer, use the relevant vulcanization reaction kinetic parameter model, the effect of the amount of activated calcium carbonate on the vulcanization kinetics of nitrile rubber is studied. The results show that the vulcanization reaction of NBR is a non-first-order reaction during the scorch phase, and the true first-order reaction starts when the vulcanization rate reaches the maximum, that is, tdis. And the reaction after the scorch phase can be divided into two stages and follow the first-order kinetic reaction law. The increase in the amount of active calcium carbonate hinder the beginning of the first-order reaction, and the active calcium carbonate has little effect on the activation energy of the system.
Key words: nitrile butadiene rubber; vulcanization reaction kinetics; first order reaction; reaction rate constant; activation energy
收稿日期: 2020-11-21
基金项目: 山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2019MEM028).
作者简介: 崔子文(1995—),男,硕士研究生.*通信联系人.