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文章编号: 16726987201805004206 DOI 10.16351/j.16726987.2018.05.006


苏忠亮a  刘雪艳a 暴永超b 张金恒b 徐立强a 吴国栋a

(青岛科技大学 a.化工学院;b.环境与安全工程学院,山东 青岛 266042


摘要: 为了解小麦对Cu胁迫的防御机理,本研究通过系统的田间小区控制试验培养供试样本,并通过差速离心法分离亚细胞结构,研究Cu在不同生长期小麦根和叶细胞中的分布,并在亚细胞水平揭示小麦中Cu的分布规律。研究表明:高浓度Cu对小麦有严重的毒害现象。Cu在小麦不同发育时期的主要富集器官是根。在分蘖期,Cu在叶细胞和根细胞富集浓度大小依次是:细胞质溶液>细胞壁>细胞器。在拔节期,Cu在叶细胞和根细胞中的分布规律为细胞质溶液≈细胞壁>细胞器。抽穗期Cu在根细胞和叶细胞中的不同部位具有不同的富集规律,在根中的分布规律为细胞质溶液>细胞壁>细胞器;而在叶中的分布规律为细胞壁>细胞质溶液>细胞器。在灌浆期,Cu在根细胞中的富集浓度大小依次是:细胞壁>细胞质溶液>细胞器;在叶细胞中,Cu的分布规律为细胞质溶液≈细胞壁>细胞器。在同一Cu处理水平下,随着小麦的发育,Cu在根和叶中的含量大体都呈现出先增加后降低的现象,且灌浆期Cu在小麦根细胞和叶细胞中的富集浓度要远远小于前面的3个时期。这些研究可以为进一步研究Cu对小麦胁迫机制提供了理论基础。

关键词: Cu 小麦; 亚细胞; 富集

中图分类号: X 503.2文献标志码: A

引用格式: 苏忠亮,  刘雪艳, 暴永超, . 重金属Cu在小麦不同生长期亚细胞中分布规律\[J\]. 青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2018 395): 4247.

SU Zhongliang, LIU Xueyan, BAO Yongchao, et al. Distribution of heavy metals of Cu in subcellular under different wheat growth stages\[J\]. Journal of Qingdao University of Science and TechnologyNatural Science Edition), 2018, 39(5) 4247.

Distribution of Heavy Metals of Cu in Subcellular

Under Different Wheat Growth Stages


SU Zhonglianga, LIU Xueyana, BAO Yongchaob, ZHANG Jinhengb, XU Liqianga, WU Guodonga

(a.College of Chemical Engineering; b.College of Environment and Safety Engineering,

Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, China)


Abstract: In order to explore the defense mechanism of wheat to Cu stress, wheat was cultivated by systematic field plot control experiment. Besides studying the distribution of Cu in root and leaf, we also investigated the distribution characteristics of Cu in subcellular structure of root and leaf using the method of differential centrifugation at different growth period of wheat. The results showed that the toxicity symptom arose at high concentration of Cu. Comparing with the leaf, the root was the major organ of Cu enrichment at different growth periods of wheat. At the tillering stage, the distribution of Cu in subcellular structure of both leaf and root was cytoplasm>cell wall>organelle; At jointing stage and booting stage, the distribution of Cu in subcellular structure of both leaf and root was cytoplasmcell wall>organelles.organelle in root, and cytoplasmcell wall>solution in leaf. With the growth of wheat, the content of Cu in both roots and leaves increased first and then decreased at the same level of Cu. These studies can provide clues for further study on the stress mechanism of Cu to wheat.

Key words: copper; wheat; subcellular structure; enrichment


收稿日期:  20170904

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(41471279.

作者简介: 苏忠亮(1975—),男,副教授.


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