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文章编号: 16726987201802002606 DOI 10.16351/j.16726987.2018.02.004


胡桂萍, 黎小萍, 石旭平, 曹红姝, 欧阳雪灵, 张建华

(江西省蚕桑茶叶研究所,江西 南昌 330043)


摘要: 从茶叶叶围环境中分离优势菌,通过富集驯化方式获得茶叶吡虫啉残留的原位生物修复功能微生物,并对其降解性能和环境安全性进行分析,以期为茶叶吡虫啉微生物修复产业化提供理论基础。结果表明:该菌株能以吡虫啉为唯一营养源,3 d内对50 mg·L-1吡虫啉的降解率达到了932%,经形态学、生理生化和16S rRNA鉴定为不动杆菌属Acinetobacter sp.。该菌株可降解10~50 mg·L-1的吡虫啉,在30 ℃,pH=7条件下,降解效能最好,且菌株在茶叶鲜叶上的定殖能力强,对茶叶鲜叶上吡虫啉的降解率高,同时BCL1的家蚕毒性实验表明对家蚕无毒。本研究表明BCL1在茶叶吡虫啉微生物降解中具有很强的应用前景。

关键词: 茶叶;  叶围微生物;  吡虫啉;  降解

中图分类号:  X 701文献标志码: A

引用格式:胡桂萍, 黎小萍, 石旭平, . 茶叶叶围吡虫啉降解菌的筛选及其降解性能\[J\]. 青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2018 392): 2631.

HU Guiping, LI Xiaoping, SHI Xuping,  et al. Isolation and characters of an imidaclopriddegrading microbia around tea phyllosphere\[J\]. Journal of Qingdao University of Science and TechnologyNatural Science Edition), 2018, 39(2) 2631.


Isolation and Characters of an ImidaclopridDegrading

 Microbia Around Tea Phyllosphere


HU Guiping, LI Xiaoping, SHI Xuping, CAO Hongshu, OUYANG Xueling, ZHANG Jianhua

 Jiangxi Sericulture and Tea Research Institute, Nanchang 330043, China


Abstract: One imidaclopriddegradating strain in situ was obtained by the enrichment and domestication of the dominant bacteria isolated from tea phyllosphere, and the degradation features and environmental safety were studied, for providing fundamental basis for imidaclopridbiodegradation industrialization. The results showed that, one strain belonged to genus of Acinetobacter sp., by the morphology features, physiology and biochemistry, and 16S rRNA analysis, with imidacloprid as the sole nutrition and the 932% of degradation rate of imidacloprid (50 mg·L-1) within 3 d. The optimal degradation conditions were 30 and pH=7, degradation range were between 10 mg·L-1 and 50 mg·L-1. The strain BCL1 will be applied widely for the best colonization and good degradation rates in fresh tea and no virulence to bombyx.

Key words: tea phyllosphere imidacloprid degradation


收稿日期:    20161121

基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFE0102100);江西省科技合作领域重点项目(20161BBH80071);闽台作物有害生物生态防控国家重点实验室开放课题基金项目(SKB2017011.

作者简介: 胡桂萍(1985—),女,博士.


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