许少娟1 , 王演2, 王鲁云1, 张晶泊2
(1.大连理工大学 城市学院,辽宁 大连 116600; 2.大连海事大学 信息科学技术学院,辽宁 大连 116026)
摘要: 为实现IC芯片图像的精确配准,提出一种FourierMellin变换和曲面拟合法结合的图像亚像素配准算法。算法首先采用FourierMellin变换计算出待配准IC芯片图像的旋转角和平移量的整像素峰值位置,然后对峰值区域进行基于最小二乘的曲面拟合,通过取极值点获得亚像素级的精确峰值位置。另外,FourierMellin变换由于旋转的频谱混叠和坐标变换中的重采样插值会产生误差,新算法采用加窗和滤波的方法加以改进。实验结果表明,所提算法实现了IC芯片图像的亚像素级配准,具有较好的精度和鲁棒性。
关键词: 图像配准; FourierMellin变换; 曲面拟合; 亚像素
中图分类号: TP 391.41文献标志码: A
IC Chip Image Subpixel Registration Algorithm Based on FourierMellin Transform and Surface Fitting
XU Shaojuan1, WANG Yan2, WANG Luyun1, ZHANG Jingbo2
(1. City Institute, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116600,China;2.School of Information Science and Technology, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026,China)
Abstract: To achieve IC chip image accurate registration, a new image subpixel registration algorithm which combines FourierMellin transform and surface fitting method is proposed. The new algorithm first calculates the peak position of rotation angle and translation of the matched IC chip image via using FourierMellin transform. Then, the peak area is fitted by using least squares method, and the accurate peak position which is a subpixel value is obtained through calculate extreme points. In addition, spectrum aliasing and resampling interpolation during coordinate transformation will bring errors by applying FourierMellin transform. The proposed algorithm resolves this problem by adding window function and filtering. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm accomplished IC chip image subpixel registration with optimal robust and accuracy.
Key words: image registration; FourierMellin transform; surface fitting; subpixel
收稿日期: 20160205
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(61501078).
作者简介: 许少娟(1981—),女,讲师.
文章编号: 16726987(2016)05057307; DOI: 10.16351/j.16726987.2016.05.019