牛丽川1, 乔丽芳2
(1.中国电子科学研究院,北京100015;2.北京家维亿佳科技有限公司,北京 100015)
摘要: 首次采用微波萃取-气相色谱质谱联用法同时对从一氯联苯到十氯联苯共10种多氯联苯进行测定,实验发现这10种多氯联苯的质谱响应值和浓度在一定范围内呈线性关系,其相关系数在0.996 3~0.998 2之间。采用该方法分别对手机塑料外壳和电视机塑料部件等电子产品中的多氯联苯进行测定,并分别采用经典的索氏提取法和加标回收等方法对测定结果进行验证。结果表明,该方法简便、快速,消耗试剂量少,适合电子产品塑料部件中多氯联苯的测定。此外,对这10种多氯联苯在色谱图中的出峰顺序与脂水分配系数进行了比较,发现其具有相关性,并对其可能的保留机理进行了讨论。
关键词: 多氯联苯; 气相色谱质谱联用法; 脂水分配系数; 微波萃取法; 电子产品
中图分类号: O 657.7文献标志码: A
Determination of Ten Polychlorinated Biphenyls Using GC-MS in Electronic Products
NIU Lichuan1, QIAO Lifang2
(1.ChinaAcademyof Electronics and Information Technology,Beijing100015,China;2.Beijing Jiaweiyijia Technology Co., Ltd.,Beijing100015,China)
Abstract: In this paper, microwave extraction-GC-MS was used for the determination of ten polychlorinated biphenyls from chlorobiphenyl to decachlorobiphenyl. The responses in GC-MS of the ten polychlorinated biphenyls were all linear with the concentrations in certain ranges, with relation coefficients from 0.996 3 to 0.998 2. The method was used for the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in electronic products such as mobile phone shell and plastic parts in TV set. Soxhlet extraction was used for method validation and it showed no significant differences with this method. The method provided effective and less reagent consumption for sample processing and effective for the determination in electronic products. It seemed that there may be some relationship between the chromatographic peak sequence and octanol-water partition coefficients. The possible retention mechanism was discussed.
Key words: polychlorinated biphenyls; GC-MS; octanol-water partition coefficient; microwave extraction; electronic products
收稿日期: 20150210
作者简介: 牛丽川(1984—),男,工程师.
文章编号: 16726987(2016)05048907; DOI: 10.16351/j.16726987.2016.05.004