王霞a,b, 张冉冉a,b, 吕浩a,b, 赵秋玲a,b, 滕利华a,b,
张帅一a,b, 高鹏a,b, 艾晶晶a,b
(青岛科技大学 a.数理学院;b.山东省新型光电材料与技术工程实验室,山东 青岛 266061)
摘要: 超材料是指具有一些天然材料所不具备的超常物理特性的人工复合材料,广义的超材料包括光子晶体、左手材料、超磁材料等。近年来,超材料凭借其优异的物理特性被成功应用于工业、军事、生活等各个方面。从超材料的基本概念出发,归纳总结了超材料的国内外研究进展,详细介绍了通过自组装、刻蚀、沉积等微纳加工技术制备超材料的实验过程,系统分析了超材料在新型微波器件、新型抗电磁干扰器件,无绕线电感、传感器以及光诱导开关等方面的应用。
关键词: 超材料; 光子晶体; 研究进展; 制备方法
中图分类号: O 063 文献标志码: A
Development and Research Actuality of Metamaterials
WANG Xiaa,b, ZHANG Ranrana,b, L Haoa,b, ZHAO Qiulinga,b,
TENG Lihuaa,b, ZHANG Shuaiyia,b, GAO Penga,b, AI Jingjinga,b
(a.College of Mathematics and Physics; b.Shandong Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies
Engineering Laboratory,QingdaoUniversityof Science and Technology,Qingdao266061,China)
Abstract: Metamaterials are artificial structures exhibiting novel and surprising electromagnetic properties that cannot be found in natural materials.Broodly speaking, photonic crystals, lefthanded materials, super magnetic material, can all be viewed as metamaterials. In recent years, metamaterials were successfully applied in various fields of industry, military, and daily life due to their excellent physical properties. In this paper basic concept and research progress of metamaterials are discussed. The fabrication methods of metamaterials by micronano processing technology are exhibited, such as selfassembly technology, etching technology, deposition technology and others. In addition, we presented metamaterials′ qpplications in microwave device, new electromagnetic interference resistance devices, nowinding inductance, sensors, and photoinduced switch.
Key words: metamaterials; photonic crystals; research progress; fabrication method
收稿日期: 20151205
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(11274189, 11504194);山东省高等学校科技计划项目(J14LJ06); 山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2014FP012).
作者简介: 王霞(1972—),女,教授.
文章编号: 16726987(2016)02011908; DOI: 10.16351/j.16726987.2016.02.001