李自成1, 袁保山2
(1.成都理工大学 工程技术学院,四川 乐山 614000;2.核工业西南物理研究院,四川 成都 610041)
摘要: 采用μ综合方法,设计了具有良好控制性能的高纯度板式蒸馏塔闭环控制系统。设计主要考虑了在非线性模型中参数增益和时间延迟的不确定性,同时不确定性模型具有输入乘法不确定性形式,并采用了两自由度回路μ综合分析方法。设计建立了一个降阶μ控制器并针对非线性蒸馏塔模型构成的整个系统进行了仿真。结果表明,系统在不同的参考信号和干扰信号,以及不同的不确定参数值下都表现出了良好的性能。
关键词: 板式蒸馏塔; 鲁棒性能; 两自由度回路; μ综合分析; 输入乘法不确定性
中图分类号: O 473 文献标志码: A
μ Synthesis Analysis and Design of Plate Distillation Column Controller
LI Zicheng1, YUAN Baoshan2
(1.College of Engineering and Technical,Chengdu University of Technology, Leshan 614000, China;
2.Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu 610041, China)
Abstract: The μ synthesis controller with good performance is designed for the high purity plate distillation column. The design deals with the nonlinear model, gain and time delay parameters uncertainty.The uncertainty model is considered to have the uncertainty multiplication form. Two degrees of freedom are used for the μ synthesis. The reducedorder μ controller is established for nonlinear model of the distillation column. The simulation indicates that in the case of different reference signals and interference signals, and with the uncertain parameters, the system shows good performance.
Key words: plate distillation column; robust performance; twodegreeof freedom loop; μ synthesis; input uncertainty multiplication
收稿日期: 20140107
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(11375055).
作者简介: 李自成(1970—),男,博士.