(青岛科技大学 数理学院,山东 青岛 266061)
摘要: 借助时间尺度的有关理论,运用不动点定理和不等式技巧研究时间尺度上一类非线性动力系统的渐近性和振动性。给出具有某种渐近性的非振动解存在和所有解振动的充要条件,推广并改进已有某些结果。
关键词: 动力系统; 时间尺度; 振动性; 二维
中图分类号: O 175文献标志码:A
Oscillation and Asymptotic Behavior for Two-dimensional Dynamic Systems on Time Scales
ZHU Shan-liang
(CollegeofMathematicsand Physics,QingdaoUniversity of Science and Technology,Qingdao266061,China)
Abstract: By means of the theory on time scales, fixed point theorem and inequalities technique, the auchor considers the oscillation and asymptotic behavior for the nonlinear dynamic system on time scales, and establishs some sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence of oscillatory and nonoscillatory solutions with special asymptotic properties. The results in this paper extend and improve the results given in literatures.
Key words: dynamic system; time scales; oscillation; two-dimensional
作者简介: 朱善良(1977—),男,讲师.