袁宜峰, 凌志浩*, 曹建福
(华东理工大学 信息科学与工程学院,上海 200237)
摘要: 无线Ad Hoc网络是物联网/泛在网的重要组成部分,通过对Ad Hoc网络拓扑结构的分析,基于类MIS方法提出了一种在网络中选取部分节点作为记忆节点,实现对资源查询请求及结果进行记忆的方法;该方法增加了对查询请求及结果的考虑,是一种后应式的资源发现策略,与现有的资源发现机制具有较好的兼容性。该方法是一种次优查询方案,以适当牺牲节点存储空间和计算资源为代价,换取资源查询的低时延和高效率。本方法适用于弱移动性的Ad Hoc网络。
关键词: 资源发现; 无线Ad Hoc网络; 记忆
中图分类号: TN 925文献标志码: A
Memory-based Resource Discovery Method in
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
YUAN Yi-feng, LING Zhi-hao, CAO Jian-fu
(School of Information Science and Engineering,East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai,200237 China)
Abstract: In mobile Ad Hoc network (MANET), which is an important part of Internet of Things/ Ubiquitous Network, service and resource discovery has always been the research focus. Through analyzing the topology of MANET, we choose partial nodes as memory nodes by approximate MIS method to memorize the query request and result. Then it describes in detail the state transition and memory table of memory nodes, and analyzes the algorithm complexity and storage complexity. Finally, the request forwarding times during the process of resource discovery are discussed and analyzed, which verifies the effectiveness of this method in weakly moving Ad Hoc network.
Key words:resource discovery; MANET; memory
基金项目: 国家863计划项目(2011AA040103);上海市重点学科项目(B504)
作者简介: 袁宜峰(1986—),男,博士研究生.*通信联系人.