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 付丽, 邓涛, 辛振祥*

(青岛科技大学 高分子科学与工程学院,山东 青岛 266042)

摘要: 对2种复合硫化体系:过氧化物(DCP)/硫黄(S)和过氧化物(DCP)/硫载体(TMTD)复合硫化体系进行研究,采用均匀试验设计法进行数据分析。研究发现,用S与DCP复合硫化时,拉伸强度出现了先减小后增大的趋势,撕裂强度一直增大;用TMTD与DCP复合硫化时,随DCP/TMTD用量的增加,拉伸强度、撕裂强度和压缩永久变形率均出现先增大后减小的趋势,而扯断伸长率一直减小。后固定DCP的含量为2份时,研究TMTD和S分别和DCP复合时的变化规律。实验结果表明,TMTD较之S,更适合与DCP复合使用。

关键词:   三元乙丙橡胶; 甲基乙烯基硅橡胶; 复合硫化; 共混胶; 力学性能

中图分类号:  TQ 336.8                    文献标志码:  A

Study on the Composite Curing System of EPDM/MVQ Blends

FU Li, DENG Tao, XIN Zhen-xiang

(College of Polymer Science and Engineering,Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, China)

Abstract: Two composite vulcanization systems of EPDM/MVQ blends are studied in this paper,which are peroxide (DCP)/sulfur (S) and peroxide (DCP)/carrier (TMTD) curing systems.Homogeneous experimental design method is used to analyze the data. The study shows that the tensile strength decreased first and then increased, while tear strength increased always when DCP and S were used. When the dosages of DCP/TMTD increased, tensile strength, tear strength, compression set all increased first and then decreased, but elongation at break decreased always.When the content of DCP is 2, the effects of the contents of S/DCP and TMTD/DCP on the properties of the vulcanization were studied.The results show that TMTD is more suitable to DCP than S.

Key words: EPDM; MVQ; composite curing; blend rubber; physical and mechanical properties


作者简介: 付丽(1984—),女,硕士研究生.                   *通信联系人.

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