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Introduction to the Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology

Introduction to the Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology (natural science)


The Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology (natural science) started publication in 1980 with a former name of Journal of Qingdao Institute of Chemical Technology. It is bimonthly, published at home and abroad and has domestic and foreign subscribers. It is a source journal of American ‘Chemistry Digest’, ‘Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Digest of China’, etc and is also included in the data bases of key journals in China and the CEPS of Chinese Taiwan.


The Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology has the main columns of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, Electromechanical Engineering; Information and Control Engineering. It mainly publishes the research discoveries of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, High-polymer Material and Engineering, Nano Material and Technology, Environmental Science, Electromechanical Engineering, Automation Controlling, Computer and Information Engineering, etc.


In recent years, the Journal has made satisfactory progress and becomes a key journal of science and technology in   China . It was elected an ‘Excellent Journal of Science and Technology’ in Shandong Province of 2004 and its influencing factor ranks the second among all the university journals of Shandong province according to the report of Chinese Science and Technology Information Research Center in 2005.  


With a history of over 50 years, the Material Science, Chemical Engineering, Applied Chemistry and Electromechanical Engineering of Qingdao University of Science and Technology (QUST) have played important roles in China ’s higher education institutions. The research in rubber-plastics material and Nano material and technology of QUST ranks among the best in China, and that is the reason that over 10 research centers, like the Key Laboratory of Rubber-plastics of Ministry of Education, the Research Center of Shandong Nano Material Engineering and Technology, and the Shandong Engineering and Technology Research Center of Rubber-plastics High-Performancization, have been set up in QUST. The Mechanical Engineering Subject of QUST receives an adequate attention of Germany , and a Sino-German Technical College was established in QUST with the support of the Education and Research Ministry of Germany and the Education Ministry of China. All of the above has prepared the ground for the development of the Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology.



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