文章编号: 1672-6987(2024)01-0023-06; DOI: 10.16351/j.1672-6987.2024.01.003
吕建霞1, 蒋力维1, 杨哲1, 王晨1, 陈思梦1, 张崇2, 孙小杰2(1.国家毒品实验室 北京分中心, 北京 100164; 2.SCIEX中国技术支持中心, 北京 100015)
摘要: 建立全自动的在线固相萃取方法开展污水中11种常见毒品的全自动监测。整个方法中自动向样品中添加内标,混匀,大体积进样,自动进行在线固相萃取,对样品进行富集净化。方法验证的结果表明,该方法稳定可靠,回收率范围在877%~1138%,进行3个浓度点的重复性试验,所有化合物浓度的相对标准偏差RSD在149%~739%之间。该方法灵敏度高,具有良好的准确度和重复性,完全满足污水中毒品监测的需求。同时将该方法用于实际污水样品的测定,效果良好。
关键词: 污水; 全自动测定; 在线固相萃取; 毒品
中图分类号: O 657.63文献标志码: A
引用格式: 吕建霞, 蒋力维, 杨哲, 等. 全自动在线固相萃取-液质联用方法测定污水中11种常见毒品[J]. 青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 45(1): 23-28.
LYU Jianxia, JIANG Liwei, YANG Zhe, et al. Determination of 11 common drugs in sewage by automatic on-line solid phase extraction liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry[J]. Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2024, 45(1): 23-28.
Determination of 11 Common Drugs in Sewage by Automatic On-line
Solid Phase Extraction Liquid Chromatography-mass Spectrometry
LYU Jianxia1, JIANG Liwei1, YANG Zhe1, WANG Chen1,
CHEN Simeng1, ZHANG Chong2, SUN Xiaojie2
(1. National Anti-Drug Laboratory Beijing Regional Center, Beijing 100164, China;
2. SCIEX, Analytical Instrument Trading Co.Ltd., Beijing 100015, China)
Abstract: Sewage epidemiology has become an important means to monitor drug abuse in an area. Solid-phase extraction is usually used for enrichment and purification of drug in sewage, and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry is used for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Most of the off-line solid-phase extraction methods are time-consuming and laborious. The purpose of this paper is to establish a fully automatic on-line solid-phase extraction method to carry out the full-automatic monitoring of 11 common drugs in sewage. In the whole method, the internal standard is automatically added to the sample, mixed, injected in large volume, and the on-line solid phase extraction is automatically performed to enrich and purify the sample. The results of method validation showed that the method was stable and reliable, and the recovery ranged from 877% to 1138%. The relative standard deviation RSD of the concentrations of all compounds was 179%-739%. The method has high sensitivity, good accuracy and repeatability, and can fully meet the needs of sewage drug monitoring. At the same time, the method is applied to the determination of actual sewage samples with good results.
Key words: sewage; automation; on line solid phase extraction; drugs
收稿日期: 2022-11-29
基金项目: 北京市科技计划项目(Z221100005222006).
作者简介: 吕建霞(1980-), 女, 高级工程师.