文章编号: 1672-6987(2023)05-0058-08; DOI: 10.16351/j.1672-6987.2023.05.007
管浩村, 陈希磊*(青岛科技大学 环境与安全工程学院, 山东 青岛 266042)
摘要: 制备了富马酸亚铁(FF)阻燃聚氨酯保温复合材料(RPUF),通过锥形量热仪测试、热重-红外联用测试和微型量热仪测试研究了FF阻燃RPUF的火灾安全性能。结果表明,FF能显著降低RPUF的热释放速率(HRR)、总热释放(THR)、生烟速率(SPR)、总烟释放(TSP)、CO释放和热失重速率,提高RPUF的热稳定性,并且促进成炭,提高成炭量,优化炭层质量。其中含025% FF阻燃效果最好,对比纯聚氨酯,含025% FF复合材料的热释放速率峰值(PHRR)降低了579%,烟释放速率峰值(PSPR)降低了55%,CO降低了714%,CO2降低了378%,成炭量提高了231%,炭层更加致密。FF阻燃RPUF机理是FF中含有铁元素具有抑烟特性,同时含有共轭马来酰基可以与聚氨酯的分解产物异氰酸酯反应,形成聚酰亚胺结构,从而优化了炭层结构,阻止材料降解,延缓燃烧进程,起到阻燃抑烟的作用。
关键词: 富马酸亚铁; 聚氨酯保温材料; 阻燃; 火灾安全性能
中图分类号: TQ 328文献标志码: A
引用格式: 管浩村, 陈希磊. 富马酸亚铁阻燃聚氨酯保温材料的火灾安全性能[J]. 青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 44(5): 58-65.
GUAN Haocun, CHEN Xilei. Fire safety performance of flame retardant polyurethane insulation material based on ferrous fumarate[J]. Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2023, 44(5): 58-65.
Fire Safety Performance of Flame Retardant Polyurethane Insulation
Material Based on Ferrous Fumarate
GUAN Haocun, CHEN Xilei
(College of Environment and Safety Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, China)
Abstract: Ferrous fumarate flame retardant polyurethane thermal insulation composite (RPUF) was prepared. The fire safety performance of FF flame retardant RPUF was studied by cone calorimeter, thermogravimetric infrared and micro calorimeter. The results show that FF can significantly reduce the heat release rate (HRR), total heat release (THR), smoke production rate (SPR), total smoke production (TSP), CO release and thermal weight loss rate of RPUF, improve the thermal stability of RPUF, promote carbon formation, improve the amount of carbon formation and optimize the quality of carbon layer. The flame retardant effect of 025% FF composite is the best. Compared with pure polyurethane, the peak heat release rate of 025% FF composite is reduced by 579%, the peak smoke production rate is reduced by 55%, CO is reduced by 714%, CO2 is reduced by 378%, char residual was increased by 231%, and the char layer was denser. The mechanism of FF flame retardant RPUF is that FF contains iron and has smoke suppression characteristics. At the same time, it contains conjugated Maleyl group, which can react with isocyanate, the decomposition product of polyurethane, to form polyimide structure, so as to optimize the carbon layer structure, prevent material degradation, delay the combustion process, and play the role of flame retardant and smoke suppression.
Key words: ferrous fumarate; polyurethane insulation material; flame retardant; fire safety performance
收稿日期: 2022-10-27
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(51776101).
作者简介: 管浩村(1998—),女,硕士研究生.*通信联系人.