文章编号: 1672-6987(2023)01-0027-08; DOI: 10.16351/j.1672-6987.2023.01.003
丁军委, 王树森, 徐广文, 唐培龙, 尚鸿瑞, 赵石磊(青岛科技大学 化工学院,山东 青岛 266042)
摘要: Ni系催化剂具有原料丰富,价格低的优点,本研究将Ni负载在SiO2表面,用于2-硝基-4-乙酰胺基苯甲醚(NMA)加氢反应。Ni/SiO2催化剂采用溶胶-凝胶法制备,用BET、XRD、SEM、TEM、NH3-TPD、H2-TPR等表征技术对催化剂结构进行表征,考察了加氢反应性能随催化剂结构、反应温度和压力变化规律。以商用雷尼镍催化剂作为对照,考察催化剂催化NMA加氢反应性能。研究结果表明:Ni负载量为30%时,Ni/SiO2催化剂适量的酸性和Ni纳米粒子之间的协同作用使得Ni/SiO2表现出最高的催化活性;在100 ℃、加氢压力18 MPa条件下反应2 h,NMA转化率达到100%,目标产物2-氨基-4-乙酰氨基苯甲醚(AMA)选择性超过993%。
关键词: 2-氨基-4-乙酰氨基苯甲醚; 催化加氢; 2-硝基-4-乙酰胺基苯甲醚
中图分类号: TQ 612.1文献标志码: A
引用格式: 丁军委, 王树森, 徐广文, 等. Ni/SiO2催化剂催化2-硝基-4-乙酰胺基苯甲醚加氢性能研究[J]. 青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 44(1): 27-34.
DING Junwei, WANG Shusen, XU Guangwen, et al. Catalytic performance of Ni/SiO2 catalyst for hydrogenation of 2-nitro-4-acetamido anisole[J]. Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2023, 44(1): 27-34.
Catalytic Performance of Ni/SiO2 Catalyst for Hydrogenation of
2-Nitro-4-acetamido Anisole
DING Junwei, WANG Shusen, XU Guangwen, TANG Peilong, SHANG Hongrui, ZHAO Shilei
(College of Chemical Engineering,Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, China)
Abstract: Ni-based catalysts have the advantages of abundant raw materials and low prices.in this study,Ni was loaded on the surface of SiO2 for the hydrogenation reaction of 2-nitro-4-acetamide anisole (NMA).the Ni/SiO2 catalysts were prepared by sol-gel method,and the catalyst structures were characterized by BET, XRD, SEM,TEM,NH3-TPD,H2-TPR and other characterization techniques.The variation of hydrogenation reaction performance with catalyst structure,reaction temperature and pressure was investigated.The catalytic performance of NMA hydrogenation reaction was investigated using commercial Raney nickel catalysts as a control.The results showed that the Ni/SiO2 catalyst showed the highest catalytic activity due to the moderate acidity and the synergistic effect between Ni nanoparticles at a Ni loading of 30%,the NMA conversion reached 100% at 100 ℃ and hydrogenation pressure of 18 MPa for 2 h.The selectivity of the target product 2-amino-4-acetylaminoanisole (AMA) exceeded 993%.
Keywords:2-amino-4-acetamido anisole;catalytic hydrogenation; 2-nitro-4-acetamidoanisole
收稿日期: 2022-02-11
基金项目: 山东省重点研发计划项目(2019GSF109055).
作者简介: 丁军委(1970—),男,教授.