文章编号: 1672-6987(2022)05-0020-09; DOI: 10.16351/j.1672-6987.2022.05.003
罗成坤1, 胡琳慧1, 梁生康2, 李俊峰1*(1.青岛科技大学 海洋科学与生物工程学院,山东 青岛 266042;
2.中国海洋大学 海洋化学理论与工程技术教育部重点实验室,山东 青岛 266100)
摘要: 以Starmerella bombicola O-13-1为生产菌,利用废糖蜜和煎炸废油作为发酵底物生产槐糖脂。采用单次单因素实验法优化了发酵培养基配方。同时探究了槐糖脂的温度、pH和盐度稳定性。结果表明:O-13-1菌株利用废糖蜜和煎炸废油作为底物发酵生产槐糖脂的最佳培养基组成:酵母粉5 g·L-1,蔗糖糖蜜120 g·L-1,煎炸废油60 g·L-1。分3次加入,经96 h摇瓶发酵,最终槐糖脂产量为5178 g·L-1,比优化前增加了1662%。所产槐糖脂生物表面活性剂具有良好的表面活性和乳化性能,在20 ℃下能使纯水的表面张力降低至368 mN·m-1,临界胶束浓度(CMC)为0053 mmol·L-1(3626 mg·L-1),其表面活性可在较宽温度范围内(10~90 ℃)保持基本不变,并可在0~21%的NaCl溶液中和pH为3~14范围内保持良好的表面活性。以废糖蜜和煎炸废油为双碳源发酵制备槐糖脂的原料成本比大豆油降低2296%,不仅大大节约了槐糖脂的发酵生产成本,同时实现了废糖蜜和煎炸废油的资源化利用。
关键词: 槐糖脂; 废糖蜜; 煎炸废油; 临界胶束浓度; 乳化活性
中图分类号: TQ 423文献标志码: A
引用格式: 罗成坤, 胡琳慧, 梁生康, 等. 以废糖蜜和煎炸废油为原料生产槐糖脂[J]. 青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 43(5): 20-28.
LUO Chengkun, HU Linhui, LIANG Shengkang, et al. Utilization of cane molasses and waste fried oil for production of sophorolipid biosurfactants[J]. Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2022, 43(5): 20-28.
Utilization of Cane Molasses and Waste Fried Oil for
Production of Sophorolipid Biosurfactants
LUO Chengkun1, HU Linhui1, LIANG Shengkang2, LI Junfeng1
(1.College of Marine Science and Biological Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qindao 266042, China;
2.Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology, Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China, Qindao 266100, China)
Abstract: One-time-one-factor experimental method was used to optimize the fermentation medium formulation by using waste frying oil and molasses as fermentation substrates for the production of sophorolipids using Starmerella bombicola O-13-1. The effect of different temperature, pH and salinity on the activity of the produced sophorolipids was further investigated. With yeast powder 5 g·L-1, sucrose molasses 120 g·L-1 and waste frying oil 60 g·L-1, added in three parts, the final yield of sophorolipid was 5178 g·L-1 after 96 h fermentation, which was 1662% more than before optimization. The produced sophorolipids has good surface activity and emulsification properties, which can reduce the surface tension of pure water to 368 mN·m-1 at 20 ℃. Its critical micelle concentration (CMC) was only 0053 mmol·L-1 (3626 mg·L-1). Meanwhile, the sophorolipids were stable at extreme temperatures, pH, and salinity. The surface activity could maintain constant substantially over a wide range of temperature (10—90 ℃), and was nearly similar at the pH range of 3—14. With respect to the salinity variation over the range of 0—21%, sophorolipids could maintain low surface tension. The cost of raw material of producing sophorolipids by fermentation with cane molasses and waste frying oil as a dual carbon sources is 2296% lower than that of soybean oil. The research of reuse of waste molasses and frying oil provided a new idea for the industrialization of sophorolipids and greatly saving fermentation cost.
Key words: sophorolipids; cane molasses; waste fring oil; critical micelle concentration; emulsification activity
收稿日期: 2021-10-09
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(U1806212);山东省重点研发计划重大科技创新工程项目(2019JZZY020705);自然资源部海洋生态环境科学与工程重点实验室开放基金项目(MESE-2019-05).
作者简介: 罗成坤(1996—),男,硕士研究生.*通信联系人.