文章编号: 1672-6987(2022)04-0105-08; DOI: 10.16351/j.1672-6987.2022.04.014
刘世贤, 王春, 杨福芹*(青岛科技大学 机电工程学院,山东 青岛 266061)
摘要: 设计一种新型手部康复机器人,基于该结构提出一种基于运动捕捉设备的轨迹设计方法。设计两种模式运动轨迹,通过运动学仿真和理论计算验证。运动学仿真结果表明:运动轨迹和机械结构相匹配,电机输出平稳,关节角位移变化平缓。理论计算结果表明:设计的运动轨迹在手指指尖理论运动边界和机器人执行机构末端理论运动边界范围内。运动学仿真与理论计算结果表明本工作设计的新型手部康复机器人结构与基于运动捕捉设备的轨迹设计方法合理。
关键词: 手部康复机器人; 运动轨迹; 动作捕捉设备
中图分类号: TH 113.2文献标志码: A
引用格式: 刘世贤, 王春, 杨福芹. 脑卒中患者手部康复机器人的设计及其运动轨迹分析[J]. 青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 43(4): 105-112.
LIU Shixian, WANG Chun, YANG Fuqin. Design and research on mechanical structure and motion trajectory of hand rehabilitation robot[J]. Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2022, 43(4): 105-112.
Design and Research on Mechanical Structure and Motion
Trajectory of Hand Rehabilitation RobotLIU Shixian, WANG Chun, YANG Fuqin
(College of Electromechanical Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266061, China)
Abstract: A new type of hand rehabilitation robot was designed. Based on this structure, a trajectory design method based on motion capture equipment was proposed. Two kinds of motion trajectories were designed and verified by kinematics simulation and theoretical calculation. The results of kinematics simulation showed that the motion trajectory matched the mechanical structure. The motor output was stable, and the joint angular displacement changed gently. The theoretical calculation results showed that the designed motion trajectory was within the theoretical motion boundary of finger tip and the theoretical motion boundary of robot actuator end. Kinematic simulation and theoretical calculation results showed that the structure of the new hand rehabilitation robot designed in this paper and the trajectory design method based on motion capture equipment were reasonable.
Key words: hand rehabilitation robot; trajectory of motion; motion capture device
收稿日期: 2021-08-24
基金项目: 深圳市科技创新委员会科技计划(SY99435).
作者简介: 刘世贤(1996—),男,硕士研究生.*通信联系人.