文章编号: 1672-6987(2021)03-0017-05; DOI: 10.16351/j.1672-6987.2021.03.003
陈蔚燕a, 师进生a, 李俊良b*(青岛农业大学 a.化学与药学院; b.资源与环境学院,山东 青岛 266109)
摘要: 选用2种季铵盐化合物(山梨酰胺季铵盐SLJA和肉桂酰胺季铵盐RGJA),研究其抑制真菌、促进种子萌发及提高田间作物生长的效果,研究发现:两种化合物在16 mg·mL-1的浓度下对供试真菌的抑制率可达70%以上,萝卜种子的萌发率在16%,均高于空白对照组(CK),对萝卜幼苗根长和茎高上均有较大程度的促进作用,其对幼苗叶片中的蛋白质含量、叶绿素含量及氨基酸含量上没有达到显著的差异,对田间柳树和国槐的研究中发现,采取灌根的方式比叶面喷洒增长率高,其中SLJA-2对柳树灌根后苗高增长促进率达2826%,树茎增长促进率达588%,RGJA-2对柳树灌根后苗高增长促进率达4461%,树茎增长促进率达4250%。
关键词: 季铵盐; 抑菌; 发芽; 生根
中图分类号: S 436.621文献标志码: A
引用格式: 陈蔚燕, 师进生, 李俊良. 两种新季铵盐化合物在抑菌和促生长方面的作用[J]. 青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 42(3): 17-21.
CHEN Weiyan, SHI Jinsheng, LI Junliang. Role of two new quaternary ammonium compounds in bacteriostasis and growth promotion[J]. Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2021, 42(3): 17-21.
Role of Two New Quaternary Ammonium Compounds in
Bacteriostasis and Growth PromotionCHEN Weiyana, SHI Jinshenga, LI Junliangb
(a.College of Chemistry and Pharmacy;b.College of Resources and Environment,Qingdao Agricultural University,Qingdao 266109,China)
Abstract: In this paper, two quaternary ammonium compounds (SLJA and RGJA) were selected to study their effects on inhibiting fungi, promoting seed germination and improving crop growth in the field. It was found that the inhibition rate of the two compounds on the tested fungi was over 70% at the concentration of 16 mg·mL-1, and the germination rate of radish seeds was 16%, was higher than CK, which promoted the root length and stem height of radish seedlings to a greater extent. There was no significant difference in protein content, chlorophyll content and amino acid content in leaves of radish seedlings. In the field study of Salix babylonica and Sophora japonica, it was found that the growth rate of root irrigation was higher than that of leaf spraying, and slja-2 promoted the growth rate of willow seedling height by 2826%. The growth rate of the stem was 588%, rgja-2 was 4461% and 4250% respectively.
Key words: quaternary ammonium salt; bacteriostasis; germination; rooting
收稿日期: 2020-06-06
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0200405).
作者简介: 陈蔚燕(1978—),女,副教授.*通信联系人.