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文章编号: 16726987201903002003 DOI 10.16351/j.16726987.2019.03.003



(青岛科技大学 化学与分子工程学院,山东 青岛 266042


摘要: CuI4A分子筛存在下,直接使用金属钐促进香草醛和马来酸二酯发生双加成关环反应,通过一步反应制备了松脂素双内酯型前体。对反应温度、底物结构等影响因素进行了探讨,发现反应在室温下于空气中即可实现,而无水条件对反应至关重要,且碘化钾等添加试剂能有效促进反应进行。最终在优化条件下,以63%产率制得松脂素双内酯型前体。


关键词: 松脂素前体; 马来酸二酯; 香草醛; 金属钐; 碘化亚铜


中图分类号: O 62文献标志码: A


引用格式:齐燕刘永军. 金属钐促进一步合成松脂素双内酯型前体\[J\]. 青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2019 403): 2022.


QI Yan, LIU Yongjun. One step synthesis of pinoresinol precursor promoted by samarium reagent\[J\]. Journal of Qingdao University of Science and TechnologyNatural Science Edition), 2019, 40(3) 2022.


One Step Synthesis of Pinoresinol Precursor Promoted by Samarium Reagent


QI Yan, LIU Yongjun


(College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, China)


Abstract: In the presence of cuprous iodide and 4A molecular sieves and with the direct use of samarium metal, vanillic aldehyde and maleates were directly transformed to dilactone precursor of pinoresinol via the bisaddition and cyclization. The influencing factors including the reaction temperature and the substrates on the reaction were investigated. The reaction was carried out in an anhydrous system under dry air at room temperature, and potassium iodide promoted the reaction effectively. The pinoresinol precursor was thus afforded with 63% yield under the reaction conditions of optimization.


Key words:pinoresinol precursor; maleates; vanillic aldehyde; samarium metal; cuprous iodide


收稿日期: 20180420

基金项目: 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金项目(BS2011CL019.

作者简介: 齐燕(1972—), ,实验师.*通信联系人.


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