文章编号: 16726987(2018)03007805; DOI: 10.16351/j.16726987.2018.03.013
肖海连, 慕佩君, 刘漫红*
(青岛科技大学 材料科学与工程学院,山东 青岛 266042)
摘要: 通过化学还原法和微波加热还原法分别制备了PVP保护的Pt胶体(PVPPt)和活性炭负载铂催化剂(Pt/C),用于催化邻二氯苯(oDCB)加氢脱氯反应。常温常压下反应10 h,两种催化剂对二氯苯的转化率都可达到99%以上,实现了对二氯苯的高效降解,建立了一种降解二氯苯的环保高效的方法。Pt/C催化二氯苯氢化反应中,乙醇作为溶剂时催化活性最好;NaOH的加入会抑制反应的进行;二氯苯催化氢化先生成中间产物氯苯和苯,二者进一步加氢生成环己烷。PVPPt催化二氯苯氢化反应中, Mg2+可以提高催化活性,Fe3+会使催化剂中毒;反应满足一级动力学方程。
关键词: 二氯苯; 催化加氢脱氯; Pt纳米催化剂
中图分类号: O 643.38文献标志码: A
引用格式: 肖海连, 慕佩君, 刘漫红. Pt纳米催化剂的制备及其对二氯苯催化性能研究\[J\]. 青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 39(3): 7882.
XIAO Hailian, MU Peijun, LIU Manhong. Preparation and catalytic performances of platinum catalysts for dichlorobenzene hydrogenation\[J\]. Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2018, 39(3): 7882.
Preparation and Catalytic Performances of Platinum Catalysts for
Dichlorobenzene Hydrogenation
XIAO Hailian, MU Peijun, LIU Manhong
(College of Materials Science and Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042,China)
Abstract: The poly(Nvinyl2pyrrolidone)stabilized platinum colloids (PVPPt) were prepared with chemical reduction method in methanol solvents. The Pt/C catalyst was prepared by microwave method in ethanediol solvents. Then dehydrogenation of dichlorobenzene (oDCB) was carried out in a batch mode using hydrogen over PVPPt and Pt/C at 298 K and atmospheric pressure. Nearly 100% conversion of DCB could be obtained after 10 h. The results showed that Pt/C catalyst had the highest catalytic activity in the ethanol solvents. NaOH had inhibitory effect on the dehydrogenation of dichlorobenzene over Pt/C catalyst. The hydrogenation products consist of chlorobenzene, benzene and cyclohexane in the beginning, and finally only cyclohexane over Pt/C catalyst. The most favorable influence on the activity was obtained when Mg2+ was used as modifier. The hydrodechlorination of dichlorobenzene took place in a firstorder reaction over PVPPt.
Key words: dichlorobenzene; hydrodechlorination; platinum nanoparticles catalyst
收稿日期: 20170321
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(21501106).
作者简介: 肖海连(1977—),女,博士.*通信联系人.