刘欣1, 梁焕喜1, 周盼1, 韩军英2, 朱海涛*1
(1.青岛科技大学 材料科学与工程学院,山东 青岛266042;2.青岛康普顿科技股份有限公司,山东 青岛266042)
关键词: 冷却液发动机;乙二醇;有机酸缓蚀剂;腐蚀防护
中图分类号:TQ 423.12文献标志码:A
Discussion on Organic Inhibitor Formulation in Engine Coolants
LIU Xin1, LIANG Huanxi1, ZHOU Pan1, HAN Junying2, ZHU Haitao1
(1.College of Materials Science and Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, China;2.Qingdao Compton Technology Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266042, China)
Abstract: A series of organic acids individually used as corrosion inhibitors in ethylene glycol engine coolants was discussed. These acids include aliphatic monoacid, aromatic monoacid, and aliphatic diacid. The methods including cyclic polarization electrochemistry and glassware corrosion of metals were used to analyze the inhibition performance. The results of polarization curves show that the inhibition effect of organic acids is mainly achieved through the anode. Combined with the weight loss test results, copper ion was consumed to form protective film on the surface resulting in corrosion potential of copper decreasing with tolytriazole. This study shows that the inhibitor is selective, so the composite corrosion inhibitor was designed to realize the protection of various metals. It contains monoacid/diacid combinations,oxazole derivatives,and other additives. This organic corrosion inhibitor formula is environmentally safe, long life, efficient and comprehensive.
Key words: coolants engine; ethylene glycol; organic acids; corrosion protection