孙瑾,羊依金*, 龙宇, 信欣, 谭显东, 赵芯玉
(成都信息工程大学 资源环境学院,四川 成都610225)
关键词: 铁系添加剂;改性污泥活性炭;官能团
中图分类号:X 705文献标志码:A
Effects of Fe-Containing Additives on Performance and Structure of Sludge Activated Carbon
SUN Jin, YANG Yijin, LONG Yu, XIN Xin, TAN Xiandong, ZHAO Xinyu
(College of Resources and Environment,Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225, China)
Abstract: Modified sludge activated carbon was prepared by chemical activation by adding iron additives(FeCl3,FeCl2,Fe2O3) in materialusing chemical activation.The effect on performance of additive proportion, activator concentration, pyrolysis temperature and time, solid-liquid ratio was studied on the basis of lodine adsorption value. The structure of activated carbon was analyzed by specific surface area(BET), surface morphology(SEM), X-ray diffraction(XRD) and infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR).The results showed that compared with pure sludge activated carbon,lodine adsorption value increased by 31.59%,18.23% and 15.48% respectively, and specific surface area increased by 101.6%,91.4%,79% respectively. And there are—OH,—COOH, Ar—OH,CC and C≡C functional group on the surface.
Key words: iron additives; modified sludge activated carbon; functional group