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杨永安1, 胡晋川2a,2b, 许肖云1*, 张凯1,唐红军1(1.遂宁市环境监测中心站,四川 遂宁629000;2.重庆师范大学a.化学学院;b.绿色合成与应用重点实验室,重庆400047)

摘要: 利用扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)、动态光散射(DLS)以及紫外可见光谱(UVVis)等手段考察了外围侧链、温度、浓度、溶剂极性和金属离子对环芳酰胺自组装行为的影响。结果发现:侧链的性质对组装体结构有重大影响,亲水性侧链的组装体结构为实心球,线性烷基侧链的组装体为纳米管状结构;温度升高、浓度降低和极性增大均不利于合成的环芳酰胺的组装行为的发生;此外,还发现尽管在络合铯离子条件下其组装能力减弱,但仍具有较强的自组装能力,组装成纳米管管状结构。

关键词: 环芳酰胺; 自组装; 纳米管

中图分类号:O 625文献标志码:A

Effects of Different Factors on the Selfassembly Behavior of Cycloaramides

YANG Yongan1, HU Jinchuan2a,2b,XU Xiaoyun1, ZHANG Kai1, TANG Hongjun1

(1.Suining Environmental Monitoring Center, Suining 629000, China; 2. a.College of Chemistry; b.Key Laboratory of Green Synthesis and Applications,Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 400047, China)          

Abstract: The effects of side chains, temperature, concentration, solvent and metal cations on the selfassemblies of these molecules were examined by by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS), ultravioletvisible absorption spectrum (UVVis). Results from these experiments demonstrated that the properties of side chains plays an important role in controlling morphology of the molecular selfassembly, when the molecucles bears hydrophilic side chains, they were found to display spherical morphology, while the side chains on the periphery is linear alkyl group, the assemblies is nanotube. The assembly of cycloaramides was gradually disintegrated with increasing temperature, decreasing concentration and increasing solvent polarity. Meanwhile, the stacking ability decreased in the presence of Cs+ ions, however, the complex can still aggregate into directional nanotubular assemblies.

Key words: cycloaramides; selfassembly; nanotubular


基金项目: 重庆市高校创新团队项目(KJTD201309).

作者简介: 杨永安(1979—),男,工程师.*通信联系人.

文章编号:16726987(2016)03025505; DOI: 10.16351/j.16726987.2016.03.004

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