刘祺凤1,2, 孙强1, 郭绪强1*, 范敏敏2
(1.中国石油大学 化学工程学院,北京 102249; 2.河北农业大学渤海校区 理工学院,河北 沧州 061100)
摘要: 利用水合物法对丁辛醇弛放气中的C3组分进行分离回收,分别考察了不同温度(27415,27515 K)及压力(111~172 MPa)下对C3组分的提浓效果。加入动力学促进剂十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS)缩短反应时间,改善分离效果,并且考察了不同条件对回收率、储气量和气液比3个方面的影响。结果表明,高压低温更有利于水合物的生成。通过一级分离,C3组分含量与原料气中相比提高至少十个百分点,加入SDS后回收率可达到76%,储气量达4742。这说明水合物法可以有效分离回收丁辛醇,具有广阔的工业应用前景。
关键词: 丁辛醇弛放气; 水合物; 分离回收
中图分类号: TQ 028.8 文献标志码: A
Study of Recovering C3 from Butyl AlcoholOctyl Alcohol Vent Gas Mixture by Forming Hydrate
LIU Qifeng1,2, SUN Qiang1, GUO Xuqiang1, FAN Minmin2
(1.Institute of Chemical Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China;
2.Faculty of Science and Technology, Bohai Compus, Agricultural University of Hebei, Cangzhou 061100, China)
Abstract: The paper is about a new technology to separate gas mixture by forming hydrate, which is used to recover C3H8 and C3H6 (i.e.C3) from the butyl alcoholoctyl alcohol vent gas. The separation experiment is carried out in deionized water system respectively at 27415 or 27515 K, 111-172 MPa. The optimal separating condition is fixed through changing the GLR and adding in SDS and the influence of three aspects such as recovery coefficient, gas storage and GLR is inspected in deferent conditions. The result shows that the high pressure is beneficial for forming hydrate. The composition of C3 increases more than 10 percentage points by primary separation and the recovery coefficient of C3 can reach more than 76% when SDS is added in. The result indicates that the forming hydrate can separate gas mixture efficiently.
Key words: butyl alcoholoctyl alcohol vent gas; hydrate; separation recovering
收稿日期: 20140115
作者简介: 刘祺凤(1984—),男,讲师. *通信联系人.