公衍玲1, 黄山1, 金宏1, 王聚乐2*
(1.青岛科技大学 化工学院,山东 青岛 266042; 2.西藏大学 医学院,西藏 拉萨 850000)
摘要: 研究了藏荆芥(Nepeta angustifolia)挥发油对小鼠的耐缺氧、抗疲劳作用。实验采用常压耐缺氧法测定小鼠存活时间;采用断头缺氧法测定小鼠张口喘气停止时间;采用游泳实验测定小鼠力竭游泳时间及肝糖原、肌糖原含量。实验结果发现,藏荆芥挥发油能显著延长小鼠常压耐缺氧存活时间和断头后张口喘气时间,明显延长力竭游泳时间,增加肝糖原和肌糖原含量,并表现出一定的剂量依赖关系。藏荆芥挥发油具有良好的耐缺氧、抗疲劳作用。
关键词: 藏荆芥; 挥发油; 耐缺氧; 抗疲劳; 小鼠
中图分类号: R 285.5文献标志码: A
收稿日期: 20130307
作者简介: 公衍玲(1975—),女,讲师.*通信联系人.
Antihypoxia and Antifatigue Effects of Volatile Oil from Nepeta Angustifolia in Mice
GONG Yanling1, HUANG Shan1, JIN Hong1,WANG Jule2
(1.College of Chemical Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042,China;
2.College of Medicine, Tibet University, Lasa 850000,China)
Abstract: Antihypoxia and antifatigue effects of volatile oil from Nepeta Angustifolia in mice were observed in this experiment. Survival time under normal pressure anoxia and gasping duration after decapitation were measured. Swimming time, liver and muscular glycogen contents after swimming were determined. Results revealed that volatile oil from Nepeta Angustifolia could significantly prolong survival time in normal pressure anoxia, gasping duration after decapitation and swimming endurance, increase liver glycogen and muscular glycogen contents, showing a dosedependent manner. Volatile oil from Nepeta Angustifolia exhibits excellent antihypoxia and antifatigue effects.
Key words: Nepeta Angustifolia; volatile oil; antihypoxia; antifatigue; mice