(许昌学院 数学与统计学院,河南 许昌 461000)
摘要: 本研究借助于关于Hermite矩阵惯性问题的Jacobi法则,在讨论了一类Hermite-Cauchy型矩阵Q的行列式和可逆性问题的基础上,给出了该类型矩阵正、负特征值个数与其生成元素在复平面分布位置的有关结论,之后还得到了该类型矩阵正定的一个充分条件。
关键词: Jacobi法则;Hermite-Cauchy型矩阵;矩阵惯性
中图分类号: O 151.21文献标志码: A
Inertia of a Class of Hermite-Cauchy Type Matrices
YUE Xiao-peng, MENG Xiao-ran
(School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xuchang University, Xuchang 461000,China)
Abstract: By means of results of the Jacobi rule,the determination and reversibility of a class of Hermite-Cauchy type matrices are discussed. Then the relation of the numbers of positive and negative eigenvalues of the matrices and the location of it’s generatin elements on complex plane are given,a sufcient condition of the positive definite matrices is derived at last.
Key words:Jacobi rule; Hermite-Cauchy type matrices; inertia of matrix
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(11026154); 河南省教育厅自然科学基金项目(2011A110020).
作者简介: 岳晓鹏(1981—),男,讲师.