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(凯里学院  数学科学学院, 贵州  凯里  556000  )

摘要: 根据译码器接受码字的伴随式来构造伴随式矩阵,利用伴随式矩阵的可逆性来检错接受码字的实际错误个数λ,使得实际中当接受码字有λ(λ≤t)比特出错时,译码时只需迭代2λ次就可以得到错位多项式,这样对于每一个码字可以减少迭代次数2(t-λ),而对于一段消息来说,大大地减少了迭代次数。这里通过对二元BCH译码器伴随式矩阵检错算法的优化,在译码器中增加一个检错模块用于检错通信信号中的实际错误比特数,可以大幅减少译码的迭代次数,提高译码速度,提高通信质量和效率。

关键词: BM算法; 伴随式矩阵; 接受码字; 错误图样; 检错算法

中图分类号: TN 911.22文献标志码:  A

Optimization of Syndromes Matrix Detecting Error Algorithm and  Design of Error Detection Device on  Binary BCH Decoder

DENG   Cong-zheng

(School of Mathematical  Science,KailiUniversity, Kaili 556000,China)

Abstract:  We construct matrix according to the syndromes of received codes, and then judge actual error numbers of λ in the received codes according to reversibility of the matrix. When there are errors of λ bits (λ≥0) in actual received codes, we can obtain the error locator polynomial by iterating 2λ times in code translation process, leading to less iterating times of 2(1-λ) for each code bit.  Therefore for a phrase of message, the iterative times can be greatly reduced. By optimizing iterative algorithm with introduction of an error detection module to detect actual errors of the communication signal in the decoder, we decrease the iterating times significantly, thus obviously improve decoding speed, communication quality and efficiency.

Key words: BM algorithm; syndrome  matrix; received codes; error pattern; detecting error algorithm


项目基金: 贵州省科技厅科学技术基金项目(黔科合J字\[2011\]2218号);贵州省科技厅科学技术基金项目(黔科合J字\[2013\]2260号);凯里学院院级课题项目(JGP201204).

作者简介: 邓从政(1969—),男,副教授.

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