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李旭东, 穆志韬, 苏维国, 王玉刚

(海军航空工程学院 青岛校区,  山东 青岛 266041)

摘要: 借助于扫描电镜以及能谱分析技术对预腐蚀6A02铝合金疲劳断口形貌进行了研究,分析了带有腐蚀损伤的6A02合金疲劳断口形貌以及合金中的Si,Mg等元素和腐蚀损伤对断裂过程的影响。结果表明其疲劳断口是以韧性为主的多源性断口;腐蚀损伤在试件表面形成的腐蚀坑使得材料局部弱化,成为新的裂纹萌生源;当合金中的Si,Mg元素含量能够完全形成强化相Mg2Si,而不出现单晶Si过剩相时,材料强度与塑性相匹配,能够提高材料的抗疲劳性能。

关键词: 疲劳裂纹; 铝合金; 预腐蚀; 断口分析

中图分类号: TG 115文献标志码: A

Corrosion Fatigue Fracture Analysis of 6A02 Aluminum Alloy 

 LI Xu-dong, MU Zhi-tao, SU Wei-guo, WANG Yu-gang

(QingdaoCampus of Naval Aeronautical Academy,Qingdao266041,China)

Abstract: With the aid of scanning electron microscope and energy spectrum analysis, the present thesis made a research on the fatigue fracture surface of AA 6A02 with corrosion damage as well as the effect of alloy element Si, Mg and the corrosion damage on the fracture process. Results indicate that the fatigue fracture surface is tough fracture with multiple fatigue sources. Pits introduced by corrosion damage will weaken the material property,which serve as crack nucleation sites. Proper hardening constituent element introduced during alloying process such as Si,Mg, who are in proper ratio of component to form strengthening phase Mg2Si without the excess phase of single crystal Si, will make strength and plasticity match, thus improve fatigue performance of materials.

Key words:fatigue crack;  aluminum alloy; pre-corrosion; fracture analysis


作者简介: 李旭东(1984—),男,讲师.

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