滕达1,2, 于佐军2, 赵继伟3
(1.中国石油大学(华东) 信息与控制工程学院,山东 青岛 266555;2.中国天辰工程有限公司 仪表电气部,天津 300400; 3.中国石油海洋工程公司钻井事业部固井分公司,天津 300450)
摘要: 在PI型广义预测控制(PIGPC)的基础上,使用Lagrange乘子法处理输入输出的约束条件,从而求得带约束处理的PI型广义预测控制。在线性系统中对控制量及输出量的约束可以转化为对控制增量的约束,通过添加松弛变量将简化的不等式约束转化为等式约束,采用求解等式约束的方法求解不等式约束的最优解。仿真结果表明,加入约束处理后可有效限制系统的输入输出,算法更加符合实际应用的要求。
关键词: PIGPC; 约束处理; Lagrange乘子法
中图分类号: TP 273文献标志码: A
PI-Type Generalized Predictive Control with Constraint Handling
TENG Da1,2, YU Zuo-jun2, ZHAO Ji-wei3
(1.College of Information and Control Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266555, China;
2. Instrument and Electrical Department, China Tianchen Engineering Corporation, Tianjin, China;
3.Drilling Division, CNPC Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd,Tianjin300450,China)
Abstract: Based on PI-type generalized predictive control, this article uses the Lagrange multiplier method to handle the constraints of input and output. The PI-type generalized predictive control with constraint handling algorithm is given. In linear system the limits of controlling quantity and output can be converted into the limit of control incremental. The inequality constraint can be converted into equality constraint by add a slack variable. The optimal solution of the inequality constraints can be given by solving the equality constraint. According to the simulative researches, the algorithm with constraint handling limits input and output efficiently and is more appropriate for practical application.
Key words: PIGPC; constraint handling; Lagrange multiplier method
作者简介: 滕达(1987—),女,硕士.