袁有臣, 于祥洲, 田洪贞
(青岛科技大学 自动化与电子工程学院, 山东 青岛 266042)
摘要: 针对差动电容传感器非线性的对称性,设计了对称性的非线性补偿电路。利用开关二极管的实际特性,使折线式补偿函数尽可能与实际非线性特性的反函数逼近,达到了近于理想的补偿效果。实验结果表明,对于最大非线性误差为25%的差动电容传感器,经非线性补偿后的非线性误差下降到约0.6%,验证了非线性补偿环节的优良性能。
关键词: 差动电容传感器; 信号调理; 非线性校正; 折线函数
中图分类号: TP 212文献标志码: A
Nonlinear Correction in Signal Conditioning of Differential Capacitive Sensor
YUAN You-chen, YU Xiang-zhou, TIAN Hong-zhen
(College of Automation and Electronic Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, China)
Abstract: A symmetric nonlinear correction circuit is designed to deal with the symmetric feature of the sensor's nonlinearity. Using the attribute of switching diode in reality, the line segment function is designed to match the properties of the inverse nonlinear function as much as possible to accomplish nearly faultless compensation result. The experimental results show that, for the maximum nonlinear error of differential capacitive sensor being 25%, the nonlinear error decreases to about 0.6% after compensation. The experimentation demonstrated an admirable performance of nonlinear compensation.
Key words: differential capacitive sensor; signal conditioning; nonlinear correction; line segment function
作者简介: 袁有臣(1955—),男,副教授.