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石盈法, 王玮, 陈克正*

 (青岛科技大学 材料科学与工程学院, 山东 青岛 266042)

 摘要:采用溶胶-凝胶法,在温和条件下以无水乙醇做反应溶剂制备出了Eu3+掺杂的ZnO纳米粒子,粒子呈纺锤体形,长度约为70 nm,宽度为40 nm,长径比为1.8。XRD分析表明,ZnO∶Eu粒子为六方晶系结构,结晶良好,Eu3+的掺杂并没有改变其晶型结构。通过EDS得到了晶体中Eu3+与Zn2+的物质的量的比;通过荧光光谱仪测定其荧光性能,结果表明,其荧光光谱具有2个Eu3+的特征峰,分别位于595 nm和617 nm,且在n(Zn2+)∶n(Eu3+)=100∶3时,Eu3+特征峰最强;通过对样品荧光光谱的分析,证明了ZnO基质和Eu3+发光中心存在能量传递。

关键词:氧化锌; 铕掺杂; 溶胶凝胶法; 光致发光

 中图分类号: O 734+.3文献标志码: A

Synthesis and Photoluminescence of Eu3+-Doped ZnO Nanoparticles

 SHI Ying-fa, WANG Wei, CHEN Ke-zheng

 (CollegeofMaterials Scienceand Engineering,QingdaoUniversityof Science and Technology,Qingdao266042,China)


ZnO∶Eu nanoparticles were prepared by a sol-gel method. They were characterized by XRD and fluorescent measurements. XRD analysis revealed that the nanoparticles are hexagonal structure of zincite, with an average length of 70 nm and width of 40 nm. The Eu3+ dopant does not change the crystalline structure of ZnO. The optimized emission intensity of Eu3+-doped ZnS nanoparticles is obtained at 3.0% of Eu3+ concentration with the emitting peaks centered at 595 nm and 617 nm. The photoluminescence was detected and energy transfer from the host to Eu3+ ions was observed.

 Key words:

zinc oxide; Eu doping; sol-gel; photoluminescence


基金项目: 山东省自然科学基金重点项目(2009ZRB01420).

作者简介: 石盈法(1984—),男,硕士研究生.*通信联系人.

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