(广东金融学院 计算机系, 广东 广州 510520)
摘要: 针对外辐射源定位具有抗干扰、反隐身等特点,提出了利用外辐射源角度信息,采用修正协方差扩展卡尔曼滤波算法对辐射源进行无源定位的方法。同时,利用非线性系统可观测性定理分析了这种方法的可观测性,得到了需要满足的观测条件,证明了这种无源定位方法的可行性。通过计算机仿真验证了讨论的结果。
关键词: 无源定位; 方位角; 可观测性; 角度变化率
中图分类号:TN 957文献标志码: A
Observability Analysis for Location Algorithm Based on Angle
Information of Opportunity Transmitter
QIAO Liang
(Department of Computer, Guangdong University of Finance, Guangzhou 510520, China)
Abstract: According to the characteristics of opportunity transmitters, such as anti-interference and anti-stealth, a passive location algorithm is proposed, which uses azimuth angle information and modified covariance extended Kalman filter (MVEKF) algorithm. Moreover, the observability for this algorithm are analyzed using the observability theorem of nonlinear systems, and the observable conditions are gotten. Finally, computer simulations verify the feasibility of the passive location algorithm.
Key words: passive location; azimuth angle; observability; changing rates of angle
基金项目: 总装备部基金资助项目(5140104C703CB0102).
作者简介: 乔梁(1961—),男,博士.